Saturday, November 29, 2008

OFF TO FIJI Finally we are going to Fiji tomorrow. Very excited as we have booked into a very special place only to be phoned this morning to tell us that they have double booked and we have to be replaced elsewhere. along with 10 other rooms. (How that happens who knows). Although the new accomodation is probably as nice, the other place was across the road from a golf course (a very nice one at that) now we are an hour's drive away.
Take a huge deep breathe, shit happens and we seem to have to grin and bear it.
Anyway we are determined to enjoy ourselves and will have to hire a car. Bon Voyage .....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

SICK AGAIN One of my golfing buddies told me to get hold of some stuff called "Cat's Claw" . It is supposed to build up immunity. Have been to a few places and eventually one of the health stores ordered some for me. I have a cold again which is so bizzarre as I was rarely sick and now I seem to pick up everything that is going around. Sneeze .......sniff..... will soon be okay again, Has anyone out there heard Cats Claw??

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

HUG OF THE CENTURY This lion was injured and found by a man who rescued it and nursed it to good health and then had it adopted by the local Zoo. When he went to visit it this is what happened.
I love animals and this just shows one, how they react to love and kindness. Really awesome

Saturday, October 25, 2008

THE MASCOT Just finished reading a book about the Holocaust. It is amazing that 60 years later there are still so many facinating stories that are emerging from this terrible event. It is about a young boy of 5 or 6 that escapes only to witness his whole family being exterminated. He survived in the forest which is unabelievable and was discovered by Latvian Police and taken under their wing. They named him as he could not remember his name and it is the most amazing story. He currently lives in Melbourne Australia - has three sons, and kept his story a secret until recently. Now one one his sons tells the story. Really makes one really think.

Monday, October 13, 2008

HAPPY TIME Great time of year, with the smells of Jasmine around and all the beautiful blossoms out, makes one really happy and uplifted. I am especially happy because my baby girl is here visiting from Melbourne and it is great to see her and know that she is really happy. YAY

Thursday, October 9, 2008

YOM KIPPUR Well thankfully today is over. We had to not eat or drink for about 25 hours. Heavy going I must say and besides being a bit hungry the thirst really gets you. Big Headache, so now I have repented for my sins hopefully for another year.

Friday, October 3, 2008

DVD - NO BURN Trying to burn my latest video clip onto DVD and it just will not do it for me. It is very frustrating but nothing I or my hubby have tried works!!!!! BREATHE does not seem to help. Was working the last time I did it, what is going on??????? BREATHE .. it is no use still doesn't work.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

JEWISH NEW YEAR (ROSH HASHANAH) Today is the first day of the new year in the Jewish Calender. Last night we celebrated the eve of the new year by either attending or hosting a dinner for family and friends. Normally we have two nights of celebrations and some people have a lunch today and even some again tomorrow.
We on the other hand normally celebrate one or two nights only.
Last night I hosted a dinner for our family and it was wonderful to get together and have a good laugh and this is a happy time in our calender before we have to fast to repent our sins in 10 days time. We are not allowed food or drink for at least 24 hours and are not allowed to work or play. It is the most holiest of days and it is when G-d decides whether you will be inscribed in the book of life for the year ahead.
Anyway last night we had a four course meal with lots of wine and beer and a good time was had by all.

Friday, September 26, 2008

SOLD THE CAR! Yay we sold the car to a young Thai girl. She brought the cash with her and just like that. She got a bargain and we were thrilled to sell it, but when she drove out the drive with it we were a bit sad.
Anyway moving on .............

Monday, September 22, 2008

BEWARE INTERNET FRAUDSTERS Put an advert on certain internet sites to sell our daughter's car.
Had this person email us and asked us questions about the car which I replied to. I also noticed that he was a car dealer, but I dont really care who buys the car as long as it is sold and we are paid.
Next day we get another email asking what our bottom price is as well as 8 other questions about the car, had it been in an accident, did we buy it new, etc. really legit questions. Duly answered that one as well.
The third day came the cruncher .....
Another printed form advising us that due to "time restraints" his "client" wanted our details, including, full name, home address, telephone number, bank account number, which bank etc etc. and after they put the money into our account, we could arrange for the car to be picked up at a mutually convenient place.
I could not believe that they had seemed sooooo legitimate up until the last lot of stuff we received and wanted to tell them to f@#?% off but decided to just leave it alone.
So to everyone out there just beware when you put ads onto the net.
It turns that the phone number is in England and although they gave the name of the car dealership, it was probably not legit.
What wankers, but the sad thing is I am sure they catch a lot of people.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I AM BACK / It is nice to be back. My computer had a glitch and I was unable to log on to my blog. So anyway here I am nice to catch up with what everyone is doing.
I unfortunately have a cold AGAIN, not sure what is going on as this whole winter I have been coughing and this is the second cold I have in as many months.
Really glad that the warm weather is here and hopefully it is here to stay..... cough, cough, splutter splutter ........... will be healthy again real sooooooooon.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

WISE WORDS Sitting around today as it is raining and quite cold outside NO GOLF, and came across a wonderful few words I thought were very powerful, I would like to share:

Subject: Life is 10 %, & your attitude is 90%

One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean he was really friendly. So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!' This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.' He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the street. The bottom line is that successful people don't let garbage trucks take over their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so... 'Love the people who treat you right. Forgive the ones who don't.' Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!

Very wise words we often need to remember

Friday, September 12, 2008

CHARITY GOLF DAY Once again on a Thursday played golf at our club. This Thursday was special as it was charity day. We get to invite friends to play with us and we all dressed in pink as the charity was for breast cancer. We had about 165 ladies playing and had a wonderful lunch afterwards.
There were heaps of raffles and wonderful prizes to be won, five weekends away to various golf resorts, and so many of the members donated prizes for the raffles. (five sets of raffles ). In eash raffle there were about 15 prizes.
It was a tremendous day although our team didnt win anything except a ball. Took heaps of raffle tickets and didnt win anything there either, but a wonderful day was had by all , weather was also beautiful and sunny. We raised about $6 5000 of which a portion will go to Prostate cancer research. Not bad for a small club.
The drive held in Canada the other night apparently raised 100 million dollars with some very big donors contributing, so ours seems like a drop in the ocean, but I know every little bit helps.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

CURE FOR CANCER ? Was talking to a friend of mine in Canada and she was telling me that the other night they had a phoneathon to raise money for Cancer Research. Apparently all the celebreties manned the phones and a song has been made called Just Stand Up. It is sung by Beyonce, Mary J Blige, Rihanna, Fergie, Sheryl Crow, Melissa Etteridge, Natasha Bedingfield, Miley Cyris, Leona Lewis, Carrie Underwood, Keysia Cole, LeAnn Rimes, Ashanti , Ciara and Maria Carey.
According to the report, a cure for cancer is almost here. Apparently they can pinpoint the cancerous cells in the blood and inject the serum and it will kill the cancer in the blood cells.
Sounds wonderful and hopefully it comes soon. So much suffering for too long.

Friday, September 5, 2008

THE MOVE Had a few very hectic days with our middle child but the last one to move out of home (yay and bo hoo) She is all settled in her new place and everything looking good. Our house is sooooo bare, it is terrible and our poor dog keeps looking out the window waiting for her to come home.
Everyday we moved some things and packed them into her place, so on the day of the move, which was yesterday, it was not such a big job.
We asked some beautiful people to help us with picking up a fridge which we were going to buy as they have a ute (K9 in fact) it is called and they said they had a fridge which they were happy to part with, so poor K9 and pommygran8 had to move their beers etc and bring it to us - you dont find too many great people in the world today as them. We are very grateful and it looks wonderful in its new home.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

GOLF TOURNAMENT This week Golf Australia has organised a golf tournament for men and woman. The girls, (they are young ones) are playing at Pymble Golf Club and the boys at Monash.
Today, I caddied for the youngest in the group from Western Australia (Perth). They play 18 holes in the morning and 18 in the afternoon. I did the afternoon shift where they play singles match play. This morning they played fouresomes. It was wonderful to see such young talent - they are very friendly, well behaved and good golfers to boot.
Hopefully the sun continues to shine and show the rest of Australia that this is sunny Sydney.

Monday, September 1, 2008

SPRING HAS ARRIVED Really a great uplifting feeling, spring has arrived. What a beautiful day.
First took my dog for a walk and it is glorious to see all the bushes in colour, lots of blossoms on the trees. Really looking forward to the weather warming up.
Used the day to spring clean myself so to speak. This morning off to the Doc. for blood checks to check cholestrol, sugar, etc and then to the dentist for a filling that fell out. It is good to focus on oneself for a change. WOW -

Friday, August 29, 2008

scratching monkey's head

This is so adorable - these monkeys are so like us they also enjoy a head scratch.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

WINNERS ARE GRINNERS Had a wonderful presentation dinner at our golf club last night. This was for all the pennant teams. I was lucky enough to be in two of the teams one being the weekend pennant team, played on a Sunday morning and the other the silver shield which is played every Friday for about eight weeks.

In our weekend one we came second only losing out by 1 point and we were the winners of the silver shield, which was very exciting as we have not won that shield since 1980 something - not a bad effort and we were very proud of ourselves.

The food was good and we had lots of laughs and got quite a bit of footage which will be available to watch I am sure in the near future on you tube. Oh I forgot to mention the wine was great too.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

EMPTY NEST Wonderful news yesterday, my daughter, who has been looking for an apartment for yonks finally found something and so is moving out next week. They and 30 other people go every Saturday looking and finally they found something great and they got it!!!!
Very excited but also a bit sad as this is the last child to leave home and we are really going to miss her even though she was hardly home it is knowing that she was coming home every night - so now it is my hubby and the dog (he is like our child) but a big house for the three of us?????
Now I think we will know what empty nest syndrome means.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Be like a dog .........
If something in your life is too frustrating,
piss on it and walk away

Friday, August 22, 2008

ANGE'S THOUGHTS I wrote in my blog the other day I visited the home of some awesome girls who have cerebral paulsy and live together in a house. One of the girls emailed me her speech as she thought it would be heard properly through her Pathfinder. Footage of her can be viewed on after 8th September.
Here are the words.
If I had four minutes to change the world I would put up some advertisement. About losing weight around the schools, hospitals Medical centres, on TVs, universities, TAFES, and shops because ther's not enough. Advisement about losing weight also, it would be special programs. In schools telling everyone about they do some exercises and eat healthy watch their weight and make sure that they don't get too thin or become more obese being obese will make them have other health issues like mental health illnesses. I think that the government should put a lot more funding into mental health because it's slowly increasing if I were going to be the next minister for health I would try to put funding into mental health issues. Sometimes people who have mental health issues they often are lonely because people dont understand them and we should teach the children who go to school about mental health illness issues because if the children know about the mental health they wont alienate those poeple who have mental illness issues.
Enviroment. I would make sure that people are using Environmental vehicles aand use environmental barreries in radios, laptops, microwaves and vacuum cleaners. If we all start to use the solar paddles and gas instead of electricity we will start to save the world from green house gases. Also, we should have a 60 minutes total black out. People shouldn't have any electricity in that hour. I think that we should have that hour on a regular basis across the world at the same time, the world will save a bit electricity.
Poverty. I think that all companies should sponsor a child from countries such as Africa because if all companies around the world sponsored a child, there wouldn't be any child or family or community living in poverty. Instead of having America spending millions of dollars making wars, I think that they should send the United Nations into developing countries to help those people who need food, shelter, water, education and Safety.
Wars. It is bad that we keep having Wars they're only killing innocent people.
Disabilities. I think that there should be a community access services for people with very very
severe disabilities around the world because there are a lot of people just sitting at home and wasting their life away by doing nothing. Of course, some people are doing sport like boccia, wheelchair basketball, swimming, tennis and track and field. Of course in africa people with very very severe disabilities have a little short life expectancy and the government wouldn't put funding in supports people with disabilities because they have bigger problems to attend to like poverty, growing population and kills.

This took Ange 5 hours to type using her head at the back of her wheelchair as a mouse to punch out the letters. How AWESOME !!! What a legend you are ---- you rock

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

GYMBEROO Went to watch my little granddaughter do gymberoo this morning. It was really an eye opener to see her in different surroundings then usual. She is taken up with all the activity around her and is very sweet with her peers, takes part in all the little games and gets really "in to it". It is wonderful to have such great facilities available for the little ones. We thought at the end of it she would be exhausted but after going to have some lunch we got home and she still wanted to go up and down the steps - a new game she LOVES and does'nt seem to tire from.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

CUT PAW (PAW) Yesterday was doctor day. My doggie was playing with his mate next door and he must have cut his paw in their yard as he was bleeding over everything. Not a happy pooch so I cleaned the cut and bandaged it up but took him to the vet for an Anti-biotic as infection, apparently is quite common with these things. Apparently they dont stitch up the pad of the paw as the stitches dont stay in.
Same day I took myself off to the doctor(thankfully first time in 2 years) as I have had a persistant cough for 2 months now.
My pooch and I are both on anti-biotics but we will survive.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

BEAST AND THEN THE BEAUTY Experienced the worst case of road rage yesterday in my travels. Was travelling along a main road with three lanes and was in the lane behind a cyclist. After checking the lane next to me which was free put out my indicator to slightly veer into the next lane. only to see a car which was quite a way behind suddenly put on speed. I had already moved slightly into his lane to pass the cyclist who was travelling on the left hand side of my lane (so only had to go into the next lane very slightly) the motorist didnt even need to put on his brakes but all I could see behind me was arms flying all over the show and the motorist then pulled up alongside me and continued to shout obsenities and throw his arms around. This carried on for about a kilometre down the road. I was actually frightened when he pulled up beside me at a traffic light and continued to rant and rave, almost frothing from the mouth. It was so astonishing to see as I am certain I didnt cut him off there was plenty of room for me to go SLIGHTLY into his lane. What kind of a morning had he already had to react in this way. It is very scarey.
On I went until I reached my destination. Knocked on the front door and there stood the most beautiful baby with the brightest smile I have even seen - off course held by the most gorgeous mum on this planet - my daughter and granddaughter. Had a wonderful afternoon with lots of laughs and smiles.
Amazing how there are good bad and very ugly around.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

INSPIRATIONAL >>> My daughter worked at the Spastic Centre a few months ago and was going to visit some of the members at their home so as I have met everyone there I decided to go with her to say hi and to interview them.
Four woman live in the one house and all of them are wheelchair bound only one can stand but all of them cannot talk and have varying degrees of cerebral palsey. The first one I interviewed has a pad where her head rests and manages (I dont know how) to punch out letters with her head and then the computer talks and says what she tells it to. She gave a 4 minute talk on how she would change the world if she could and it was so unbelievably unbelievable that I was in awe.
The second woman can only use one finger and she punches the keyboards and her computer also talks.
These woman are so bright it is really amazing. They have both done Tafe courses and have the loveliest personalities and are always laughing. It really makes one feel inadequate. They have to be tube fed and bathed in a chair and cannot do anything for themselves and are so happy it is amazing.
One of them is the Botcha champion and they have medals hanging all over the room as well as trophies.
What do we ever have to complain about!!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

OLYMPICS >>> So exciting to be watching the olympics - not only are the Aussies wonderful in the pool but in almost every other sport so far . Have been watching the hockey and the men put such a wonderful show on againt my old home country 10-0. Played hockey in my school days and one has to be super fit to play that game and at that level - wow the mind boggles.
It brings back wonderful memories of when Sydney had the olympics in 2000 an event I am sure no Sydneysider will ever forget. What a pity that some very unfortunate events are keeping the crowd away in Beijing but still what an exciting time.
It makes me really proud to be an Aussie.
Aussie, Aussie, Aussie oiy oiy oiy .......

Monday, August 11, 2008

GOLF TOURNAMENT >>> Last few days have been pretty hectic we have had our club championships at our golf course over the last couple of weeks. Just get through one day and lo and behold there is another to tackle. One would think that since we have played this golf course for a good few years now we would have got it!!!!!!! but everytime we play the course something different happens and some catastrophie happens. Going really well and then VAP KABAM mess up one hole and then the others follow suit dont they.
Well besides the course and the shitty golf it was so freezing these last few days that the wind goes right through you and yesterday the rain didnt help matters. Anyway thanks to whoever, today was a better round, breathe a sigh of relief (shortlived I am sure) until the next round. Thank heavens only one more round left. Well what would us golfers do for aggravation if we didnt play golf.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

LAUNCH 888 >>> Last night had a wonderful evening at the launch of 888 project. Fabulous food and it was really good to catch up with all the bloggers on this project and more. So many talented people makes one feel a little inept. Anyway what a good job everyone had done and Tony looked absolutely AMAZING especially in his red shoes.
Unfortunately we had to leave shortly after the speech to go to friends and watch the amazing opening of the olympics. What a memorable day and one to remember in years to come.

Friday, August 8, 2008

TODAY IS THE DAY >>> Today is the day

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

clever dog with ball >>>

dog in pool

The grannies

Sitting here with one of the best grannies in the world navigating through the net trying desperately to work things out fixing up the blog, but by Jeeves I think we are getting it us old farts

Monday, August 4, 2008


The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitude

Friday, August 1, 2008


Today after I got my camera I went to the shopping centre to have lunch and decided to just take out the camera and start filming. I would not normally do this as I would think people would think I was crazy or something but I did it and it was not so bad filmed all the things that looked like eights some joined together like doughnuts piled up on top of each other looking like two eights linked.
When I came home my hubby walked in with some Lynx (links) shoes and I thought what a co-incidence as he has never bought that make before.

learnin curve

sitting here a bit overwhelmed