Wednesday, August 27, 2008

WINNERS ARE GRINNERS Had a wonderful presentation dinner at our golf club last night. This was for all the pennant teams. I was lucky enough to be in two of the teams one being the weekend pennant team, played on a Sunday morning and the other the silver shield which is played every Friday for about eight weeks.

In our weekend one we came second only losing out by 1 point and we were the winners of the silver shield, which was very exciting as we have not won that shield since 1980 something - not a bad effort and we were very proud of ourselves.

The food was good and we had lots of laughs and got quite a bit of footage which will be available to watch I am sure in the near future on you tube. Oh I forgot to mention the wine was great too.

1 comment:

Everapominoz said...

Fantastic achievements. Congrats all round.