Monday, September 22, 2008

BEWARE INTERNET FRAUDSTERS Put an advert on certain internet sites to sell our daughter's car.
Had this person email us and asked us questions about the car which I replied to. I also noticed that he was a car dealer, but I dont really care who buys the car as long as it is sold and we are paid.
Next day we get another email asking what our bottom price is as well as 8 other questions about the car, had it been in an accident, did we buy it new, etc. really legit questions. Duly answered that one as well.
The third day came the cruncher .....
Another printed form advising us that due to "time restraints" his "client" wanted our details, including, full name, home address, telephone number, bank account number, which bank etc etc. and after they put the money into our account, we could arrange for the car to be picked up at a mutually convenient place.
I could not believe that they had seemed sooooo legitimate up until the last lot of stuff we received and wanted to tell them to f@#?% off but decided to just leave it alone.
So to everyone out there just beware when you put ads onto the net.
It turns that the phone number is in England and although they gave the name of the car dealership, it was probably not legit.
What wankers, but the sad thing is I am sure they catch a lot of people.


schatzi said...

You really gotta aware at all times!Thanks for the warning. My partner had something similar happen at his work. He got an order for 100 lcd tv's and was all excited when he got home. the order was from a company in Singapore. I questioned it straight away as it seemed so unlikely to me that a company from a country where you can always buy the latest of the latest, would purchase tv's from a place in Ingleburn. They had already put through they order and prompted by my suspicion my partner checked out the credit card which was linked to some african place and not valid!

Lise said...

God! You really have to be so careful when it comes to revealing your personal details. How do you know which is legit and which isn't!?! Scary eh!?