Tuesday, September 30, 2008


http://www.888dag.com/ Today is the first day of the new year in the Jewish Calender. Last night we celebrated the eve of the new year by either attending or hosting a dinner for family and friends. Normally we have two nights of celebrations and some people have a lunch today and even some again tomorrow.
We on the other hand normally celebrate one or two nights only.
Last night I hosted a dinner for our family and it was wonderful to get together and have a good laugh and this is a happy time in our calender before we have to fast to repent our sins in 10 days time. We are not allowed food or drink for at least 24 hours and are not allowed to work or play. It is the most holiest of days and it is when G-d decides whether you will be inscribed in the book of life for the year ahead.
Anyway last night we had a four course meal with lots of wine and beer and a good time was had by all.


pommygran8 said...


Lise said...

Sounds lovely! Glad you had a ball!

Glinda said...

Happy Rosh Hashanah! Sorry about the fasting bit, but it sounds like you had a wonderful family night.