Wednesday, October 29, 2008

HUG OF THE CENTURY This lion was injured and found by a man who rescued it and nursed it to good health and then had it adopted by the local Zoo. When he went to visit it this is what happened.
I love animals and this just shows one, how they react to love and kindness. Really awesome

Saturday, October 25, 2008

THE MASCOT Just finished reading a book about the Holocaust. It is amazing that 60 years later there are still so many facinating stories that are emerging from this terrible event. It is about a young boy of 5 or 6 that escapes only to witness his whole family being exterminated. He survived in the forest which is unabelievable and was discovered by Latvian Police and taken under their wing. They named him as he could not remember his name and it is the most amazing story. He currently lives in Melbourne Australia - has three sons, and kept his story a secret until recently. Now one one his sons tells the story. Really makes one really think.

Monday, October 13, 2008

HAPPY TIME Great time of year, with the smells of Jasmine around and all the beautiful blossoms out, makes one really happy and uplifted. I am especially happy because my baby girl is here visiting from Melbourne and it is great to see her and know that she is really happy. YAY

Thursday, October 9, 2008

YOM KIPPUR Well thankfully today is over. We had to not eat or drink for about 25 hours. Heavy going I must say and besides being a bit hungry the thirst really gets you. Big Headache, so now I have repented for my sins hopefully for another year.

Friday, October 3, 2008

DVD - NO BURN Trying to burn my latest video clip onto DVD and it just will not do it for me. It is very frustrating but nothing I or my hubby have tried works!!!!! BREATHE does not seem to help. Was working the last time I did it, what is going on??????? BREATHE .. it is no use still doesn't work.