Tuesday, August 19, 2008


http://www.888dag.com/ Yesterday was doctor day. My doggie was playing with his mate next door and he must have cut his paw in their yard as he was bleeding over everything. Not a happy pooch so I cleaned the cut and bandaged it up but took him to the vet for an Anti-biotic as infection, apparently is quite common with these things. Apparently they dont stitch up the pad of the paw as the stitches dont stay in.
Same day I took myself off to the doctor(thankfully first time in 2 years) as I have had a persistant cough for 2 months now.
My pooch and I are both on anti-biotics but we will survive.


Lise said...

That makes the 3 of us!!!

pommygran8 said...

How are you both now? and will you be at DAG HQ at 8am friday 22 August ?

EyeOfTheLeopard said...

I hope you both are getting better soon.